Friday, January 16, 2009

January in Charleston

So I thought I posted once over christmas but I guess I didn't do it right. I figure since a couple people are getting into the blogging thing to stay in touch, maybe I would pick up my game.

It's currently freezing here.. much colder than it's supposed to be in charleston. I think tomorrow night's low is 17 degrees. brrr. I hope all of my friends in other parts of the country and the world are having better weather than we are here.

So as of wednesday I was second guessing myself on my major due to my intense course load/hard courses and the stresses of trying to figure out the rest of my life and all that. I feel like the fact that three out of four of my house mates are done school but have little or no idea what they really want to do worries me and makes me question whether or not I'll be in the same situation come summer 2010... well hopefully summer 2010 and not winter 2011. That's the other issue that's weighing in on my mind is the concept of trying to graduate "on time," which would be spring 2010. That hinges largely on what ends up happening this summer and whether or not I successfully find an internship, which so far isn't looking very promising.

To sum all of that rambling up, I've decided to stay with accounting because I realized after today that I really am interested in my classes. As for the summer, I might just stay in charleston and try to find a part-time internship and also take classes so I can graduate on time. All the while, having a great time with whoever is here!

1 comment:

Kristen Gehrman said...

I found your blog once before but it had been lonely for five months. I hope you will be more attentive to it this year ;)

I felt this way too the first week of this semester. I was all of a sudden afraid that everything was moving too fast and I just wanted to jump off. As you know, this is rarely possible, so I've decided to go with it.

I hope that by this week, you are calm and filled with happiness. Needed change will always find you, you shouldn't have to look for it.